Perhaps one of the most comprehensive guides to recovery, we have created a Divine Blueprint that can be utilized to assist and guide you on the many issues that may plague your inner being. If you have been struggling with emotional, psychological, or traumatic issues, this guide will help to heal you. By inviting God, The Ascended Masters, and The Great Angelic Host into your life to assist you in healing those issues, you can finally be free.

This guide was developed after many hours and years of spiritual practice, utilizing many of the the techniques and decrees that have been in the spiritual community for decades. Think of this guide as a more focused way of healing, that will allow you to hit the ground running toward recovery. Many people who seek to resolve deep issues of suffering within get lost in a sea of information. All you would have to do is follow the techniques listed and you will see results soon. This is also not simply a blueprint. It is a guide that will change the way you live, see life, and other people.

Benefits you will receive from this Healing service:

– A detailed guide of techniques developed by the spiritual community & the Ascended Masters.
– The ability to heal inner and outer issues spiritually through divinity.
– Fully enhanced state of being rooted in divine love.
– Enhanced mental clarity and growth of awareness.
– The development of a Divine level of self love.
– A relationship with the Ascended Masters & Great Angelic Host.
– Divine protection from the Ascended Masters & Great Angelic Host.
– A new Framework to live by that is rooted in divinity.


– You will need to set aside 1 to 2 hours of time each day to do the exercises listed within the blueprint.
– This blueprint also contains reading activities to deepen ones understanding of the work that they are doing and the effectiveness of their spiritual training.

One time Fee of $30

Divine Healing Blueprint Q&A

Why is the Divine Healing Blueprint priced at $30?

Based on our studies, we determined that the average cost for a session with a therapist can range between $200 to $500, and sometimes even more than that depending on the area in which one lives. And that is just for one session. So we decided to choose a low price, as this would be all that one needs to reach full recovery if one is willing to have faith in our guidance. 

Are the methods listed in the guide difficult to do?

The methods in the guide are extremely easy to do. It essentially revolves around receiving assistance from the Kingdom of Heaven. So, you will be working closely with the divine hierarchy to resolve all matters. We only require you to do some light reading per day, do the necessary prayer work, and decree work.

How long is the actual training?

We require you to work closely with the divine hierarchy for at least 5 weeks, but we do not want to mislead you into thinking that this is simply something you can do and put down. If you want to maintain the integrity of your inner being, we recommend you stay consistent with the techniques that we have listed in this guide. The exercises that we include in this guide will be something that you will always be able to do to maintain your spiritual and psychological health.

So, is this simply a guide or a course?

It is both, actually. You will be guided on how to do the techniques within the required time frame while also learning them as well for your further usage. You will also be reading to further your understanding.

Is there an age limit to who can do this training?

Anyone who is old enough to read can do this training.

Will I keep the information that I purchase, or will it be online only?

After making your purchase, you will be redirected to a page with a link to the course in PDF format. Simply click on the link to download the guide on either your smartphone and PC, or both.

If you need additional assistance, you can reach us anytime at: 

Is there a refund policy for this guide?

Anyone who is not satisfied with the guide can receive a refund within 30 days. However, we encourage you not to abuse this policy, as the divine hierarchy sees all and the Karma obtained from doing so is not worth it. Please only purchase this guide if you are serious about making a real change within yourself and in your life.

For all other Questions or concerns, you can reach us at: