Image Credit: Ozan-çulh

As we move through life, we are faced with many challenges. There are times when we feel that our best isn’t good enough, as life has a way of challenging you deeply. Some say they suffering is a by-product of being a part of this world. I can confidently say to you that it is not so. There are times when we are faced with pain, but suffering is purely optional.

Suffering is a by-product of our ignorance and lack of connection with the divine Kingdom of Heaven. For the connection with the most high God and its many servants liberate us from the many fallacies that this world presents to us. We must open ourselves up to receive its many blessings so that we are healed from the issues that are created within and before us. Trauma is the lingering and latent negative energy that is left within us from a series of events. Maybe you were a victim of an accident or human cruelty, and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to move past it.

The flesh wants to hold on to the past, and the soul always wants to remember. This part of your past does not seem to want to let you go. How can we move past this and truly heal from these soul binding injuries? Today, we shall explore 5 ways we can go about doing this to truly liberate oneself from the pain and suffering of the past.

The Art of Angel Work

Working with the Angels is one of the many methods used to heal one’s eternal injuries. In the Kingdom of Heaven, there are many Angels that exist there, ready to serve and provide you with assistance. There are also Angels that reside there that specialize in healing the wounds of others. These Angels have the ability to send forth their own divine energy into you to transmute the cells within the body and spirit to heal any lingering wounds. When one goes through a traumatic experience, the energy from that experience has become trapped within the physical and soul body.

This negative energy is also further charged and solidified by the memories that the victim has on the experience that replays over within their mind. As the memories of the terrible event continue to replay on repeat within the victims mind, the genes within that victim starts to rewrite itself in accordance with the images that are constantly being replayed. Most do not know that you can literally rewrite your genes with the power of your own mind. Remember, you have the ability to create and do amazing things in this world, not just on the physical level. So wouldn’t it make sense for one to be able to do so within themselves? 

Many unbelievable feats have been achieved through our ability to create and manifest within ourselves. Trauma is the inverse of this effect. It is essentially the victim reintegrating the experience within themselves until it manifest and becomes their lives. They start to become triggered by anything that resembles the event. There are even times when they are triggered by something and do not understand why. 

It could be something seemingly small, like a certain smell or some type of visual reference, that is similar to what may have occurred on the day that the traumatic experience took place. This is something that will make ones life extremely difficult and ultimately interfere with ones ability to live in peace. Now, let us talk a bit more about the Angels. There are two Angels that we recommend one to work closely with in order to help overcome these issues. Those two Angels are known as Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. 

These Angels are extremely powerful and have the ability to consume all negativity that lay dormant within one’s being. Archangel Michael’s Blue Lightning Ray specializes in consuming negative energy and increasing the level of density of one’s spirit. It is extremely powerful and will overwhelm anyone when they first experience it. So it is a Ray that takes a little time to get used to, but nonetheless, it is extremely beneficial. Archangel Raphael, on the other hand, specializes in healing the wounds and past traumas of the one seeking his assistance. 

He has always been known for healing and is always ready to give assistance to those who need him. He is the master of the Emerald Ray, and it has magnificent healing properties. His ray is not as intense as Archangel Michael’s and is a bit easier to get used to. So do not fear, go, and summon the assistance of these wonderful Angels. They love you and are ready to assist you anytime.

Working with The Ascended Masters

There are Angels that have never been embodied into a human flesh vehicle, and those that were once embodied. The Ascended Masters are Angels that were once embodied. Ascended Masters are essentially those that were once human that achieved the angelic state known as ascension. Ascension is an angelic state of being that any human can accomplish through continuous spiritual work and development.

The Ascended Masters went through the human life journey once before like us and have essentially evolved beyond it. They understand you better than anyone on this planet and are ready to lend their assistance to those who are sincere in seeking their help. Currently, and without doubt, the most well-known Ascended Master is no other than Jesus Christ. If you come from a background of Christianity, you most likely already have a strong affinity with Jesus Christ. Widely considered the lord and savor of our planet, Jesus is always readily available to lend you his assistance through intense prayer work. 

Simply call out to him and ask for his help, especially at night. We have a few decree’s in our decree section for calling on the assistance of Jesus. Be sure to check them out. They are quite emotional and very beneficial. Another Ascended Master that many do not know of is Saint Germain. Saint Germain is the creator and provider of the Violet Consuming Ray. 

This divine ray has many healing properties and has the ability to cure anyone’s trauma. Simply recite the decree and wait in a peaceful still position until it manifests within you. Your body will flare up with this warm and powerful energy. Be sure to continuously do the Violet Ray every day or at least 5 days a week for best results. Working with the Angels and Ascended Masters a few times will not be enough to heal the many issues that lay inside oneself. 

You must be persistent and consistent beloved ones! Do not stop your spiritual progression for one moment. After a prolonged time of spiritual work, eventually, all issues will be gone, and you will be filled with even more gratitude for the assistance of these magnificent beings of Divinity. You can find the decrees for Saint Germain in our decree section of our website. If you want to accelerate your healing progress and spiritual growth, I recommend you check out our Divine Healing Blueprint. In that particular guide, it contains all you will ever need in order to be healed and to grow spiritually.

Daily Prayer Work

Image Credit: The Lion Tribe/ Cr8tivlifestyle

Prayer is by far the most common practice that mankind is the most familiar with. It is essentially the spiritual practice of communicating with the Kingdom of Heaven. Many use it as a means of asking for assistance from the Kingdom of Heaven to receive blessings or benefits of some kind. I used to view it this way in my younger days, but I have grown to see it as something much greater than that. You see, prayer is all about growing your relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven.

It allows one to express themselves freely in a way that simply can not be done with other people or even with our families. As we are always subjected to judgments and criticisms when revealing our many struggles to others, we will never experience this from the divine creator and his workers. There are times when we need confession. The act of confession liberates us from things that weigh us down that we are simply unable to get rid of. God is always here and now for our benefit.

When we confess our mistakes or eternal struggles, it opens the gateway to the divine to manifest into your life even more. Those who are experiencing trauma should spend time each day confessing your eternal struggles and asking for assistance. This will not only increase your affinity with the divine Kingdom of Heaven but will also further open and release its Eternal Gates. This will further allow them to come into your life and assist you in your struggles. Do not be afraid to express your feelings of trauma and ask for forgiveness of any mistakes that you may have made.

Prayer is a powerful practice that is underestimated by many. Those who are experienced from the magic community know how powerful it truly is. I highly recommend you do this every day along with Angel work or Ascended Master work for the best results. 

So, to give you a recap of the 5 methods that work extremely well for healing trauma:

1. Angel Work with Archangel Michael 

2. Angel Work with Archangel Raphael

3. Ascended Master Training with Jesus Christ 

4. Ascended Master Training with Saint Germain 

5. Daily Meditation and Prayer Work

You can alternate between Angel Work and Ascended Master Work, as long as you do it everyday along with your prayer work.

For those that are serious about healing one’s issues and increasing ones spiritual development, be sure to check out our Divine Blueprint. Link to the blue print is below.

God Bless you all, and I pray that any issues you may have be quickly resolved by the grace of God with the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you are experiencing any deep emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, or any mental condition of any kind, be sure to check out our Divine Healing Blueprint. With this will greatly assist you in healing and spiritual renewal.

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