The Greater Picture in Plain Sight

Jesus Christ

Living on earth is a wonderful journey filled with many possibilities that are expressed through all living things. When you step outside and look around, you see the beauty of nature living in peace and harmony. The rivers flow and nature acts in accordance with the divine nature that God has instilled within it. Yes, the essence of God is truly embedded into the very fabric of our reality. Everything acts in perfect harmony with each other, and God continues to provide our every need. 

There is not a hint of depression in the animals or the trees that are free to live amongst Gods creations. Now, when we take a look at society, which is something that is created by Mankind, what do we see? A vast number of people suffering in some shape or form, with only a few that are not. We see the typical working class busy with their everyday lives, trying to take care of their families, and making a living. However, no matter how well they do in society and within their homes, they somehow struggle to maintain happiness inside of their very being. 

We also see those who have varying levels of anxiety that they can not seem to shake. This is a common issue, especially among our youth. This negative type of energy is quite toxic and has led to many attempting suicide. In some cultures, such as Japan, many of the working environments are toxic and quite difficult to work in. Dealing with the type of pressure can be debilitating, which is why the suicide rate in Japan has been at an all-time high for years now.

So then, what is the cause of mankind’s epidemic of depression? Most would think that it has to do with the pressures of society and the difficulties people experience finding their place within it. This is something that seems true, but in actuality, it is not. However, I will not be so crude as to completely dismiss the notion, that in some cultures and families, there are those that are at the complete mercy of others. This type of man-made hierarchy created by a community or household structure can lead to a destructive way of being, as it easily opens the door to toxic behavior and abuse.

There have been many accounts of domestic abuse throughout history, and it still happens in the word today. This is something that can never stand if one wants to find true happiness. We were not put on earth to be at the mercy of others but to serve and contribute to mankind. Everything has to have a healthy balance. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let us talk about the real cause of depression and anxiety. 

The True Cause of Depression and Anxiety

Photo credit: liza summer

The true cause of these issues is the lack of a healthy relationship with the kingdom of heaven, the Divine Hierarchy, and the Mighty Godhead. Now I know there will be some reading this that will roll their eyes and think this is a ploy to get them into religious dogma. I assure you it is not, and everything that will be talked about here is the absolute truth. Suffering is caused by living in a way that separates God from your inner being. Mankind has become too detached from the divine creator and, as a result, has developed these symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and even insanity. 

I remember watching an interview with Muhammad Ali once, and the interviewer asked him if he ever had times where he was depression or feeling down. Muhammad Ali paused for a minute and then looked up at the man giving the interview and said, ” No, I can not recall a time where I have felt like this. I find that if you have a strong relationship with God, then you will never be down into those types of feelings.” He was absolutely right in that statement. This is something that is not spoken enough in this world.

We live in a society that is so against the nature of God. Why? Most likely, it’s due to the subtle brain washing and years of conditioning the masses have received from science and various forms of entertainment. Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, once said that “God is dead, and we have killed him.” What he meant by that is society, due to their over indulgence in science and philosophy, have basically turned their backs on the notion of God. He saw that mankind was moving towards a nihilistic state of being.

It is also important to note that every society thought history that has done this has fallen to ruin. Our ancestors lived according to God and the divine knowledge, but somehow, we have forgotten it. God has been replaced by science and astrology. This is quite unfortunate indeed for the well-being of society. Let us reintroduce God into your life so that we can conquer this inner suffering once and for all.

We are the Suns of God

Sanat Kumara

Within the very core of our being lies something truly special. This is something that is not of the physical nature but the spiritual. There lies of spiritual essence, which makes us who and what we are. But also, what lies in the inner chambers of the spirit is the constant connection with the kingdom of heaven. So, in other words, we as human beings are constantly connected with the most high God. This means that our Mighty Godhead blessed us to always, at all times, have direct access to the Kingdom of Heaven and its many benefits.

The sun is the Heart of God, and it is through the sun, we receive many of our benefits. We also receive spiritual growth and development from the spiritual essence of the Great Angelic Host. The Ascended Masters and Archangels have the ability to channel the essence of their very beings. Through this, they are able to shine forth divine rays of purity unto us. This is known as the Mighty Purification Ray or Mighty Consuming Ray.

These Mighty Rays have the ability to consume all the negative effects one may have acquired through their consciousness and feeling world. If we were to continue to channel these rays, overtime, the overall density of our spirit would increase. This would give us superhuman benefits, and ultimately lead to our evolution beyond the limitations of the physical realm.

The discovery and nature of accessing these benefits has been explored, and expanded upon throughout the centuries, by some of the most profound figures ever known. However, much of the knowledge has been lost to the hands of time. Originally, the knowledge was only given to those who were deemed worthy through secret retreats hidden within Mountains and Caves. A prominent Ascended Master known as Lord Maitreya, gave various trials of initiation during the time he was here on earth. Those who wanted to join his hidden retreat would have to pass these trials in order to gain access to receive his training in spirituality. 

– Lord Maitreya (also Known as the Sun God Surya)

Why were these things necessary? During that time period, there were also schools of black magicians that were heavily involved in dark occult magic. Their only interest is controlling and manipulating humanity through their own whims and were ultimately against the idea of liberating Mankind. Due to the risk of being exposed by these dark Occultist, they had to keep things hidden and be especially careful to whom they allowed into their retreats. If they were not to do these things, evil could easily infiltrate their secret sacred grounds, which would destroy the very foundation that they built.

Which is something that has already happened with the Freemasons and the Vatican. Once, they were pure Holy organizations but have had a certain portion of its members involved (heavily) with occult practices over the last 500 years. All that would be required is for the wrong person with a nefarious agenda to join a lodge and move up through the ranks to the top and completely redo its infrastructures. Many retreats have fallen due to this, which has forced the Ascended Masters to withdraw and move on to began anew. Now, let us talk about the various strategies that are used to access the kingdom of heaven inside of you.

Working with the Kingdom of Heaven 

Throughout history, there have been a number of accounts and records of human beings working with angels. It is widely believed that a large portion of our system for spiritual development came directly from the angels. One prominent figure that has done this is the scholar John Dee, trusted advisor to queen Elizabeth I. It is widely known throughout various historical texts that he practiced Enochian magic, which is an ancient form of Angel magic. It is also important to realize that the original intention of magic is to create various spiritual and physical benefits to human beings.

Magick, with the “K” on the end, is the inverted occult version. This particular version is the undoing of the sacred nature of magic to create new types of worldly magical manifestations. I feel the need to express this as many people are confused about magic and what it really is. Magic has never been nefarious in its true nature and has always been originally Holy. Black Magicians converted it into something more sinister throughout the centuries to create their own system. 

This system would later be used to create chaos into the world. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, the books written by John Dee are still available to this day. However, many can not understand how to use it. Many of the dialects are complex as they are language from the ancient world. Only those who are truly devoted to unraveling its mysteries have received various benefits from its system of magic.

You will find many books on various ways to work with angels, such as the works of Doreen Virtue. However, the works that I recommend to all that are interested in furthering their spiritual development are the works by Saint Germain. Through this particular system, one could easily overcome depression and anxiety if they implement what he has to offer. It is perhaps the most insurmountable system I have ever encountered and the benefits one would gain from it is extraordinary. Highly recommended for anyone that is having trouble or interested in furthering their spiritual development to the next level.

You can find most of Saint Germain’s works and teachings at:

Unveiled Mysteries

Start with volume 1 of the book series “Unveiled Mysteries”, and continue onto volume 2 and volume 3, and so forth in sequential order.

You can also read the first 3 books of the eBook version for free on the website under the “New? Get Started” section.

If you would like to purchase physical copies of them you can do so from their online shop at:

These teachings are by far the best, most practical spiritual training I have ever received. You will be working closely with the Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Great Ascended Host through the training in these books.

I also recommend you check out our Divine Recovery Blueprint if you are serious about getting results fast within the first 30 days and so forth. It is a straight to the point type of guide that will jump start your path to recovery.

Now, I will elaborate on why this is the most effective. In the Saint Germian series of books, you will learn how to cultivate and grow your connection with the Kingdom of Heaven inside of yourself. You will also gain many abilities as well. These abilities will give you divine protection against all things that are discordant within this world while learning new skillsets that can be used on a daily basis. You will also be purging your body of every false notion you have developed over your current and past lifetimes. This means you will undo your current framework of living while adopting a new one that is rooted in Divine Consciousness.

There are many other benefits that you will receive from reading these books and taking our Divine Recovery Blueprint that we offer here. We encourage those who are serious about overcoming suffering to take the next step in regaining control over their life, and finally achieving eternal happiness that can only be obtained through integrating with the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not be afraid to take the step. Be who you were meant to be and overcome the limitations of the average mindset of man. It is time to reach new heights so that you can go out into the world and make a difference. Ultimately, making a difference and expressing oneself is what life is all about; but this is difficult to achieve if one is spiritually unhealthy.

If you have any questions, you can also email us anytime

If you are experiencing any deep emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, or any mental condition of any kind, be sure to check out our Divine Healing Blueprint. With this it will greatly assist you in healing and spiritual renewal.

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