What is the Great Work?

Throughout the ages, humanity has searched for the secrets of life. Within the very fabric of our reality lies a deeper truth that can only be fully realized with constant pursuit. That pursuit dwells in the unseen fabric of time, space, and dimension. Initially, mankind in the last thousand years first looked towards life itself and the world around us, only to soon realize that they were looking in the wrong direction. Instead of looking outward, they had to look inward into themselves. 

As the ultimate truth that humanity searched for lied within. After decades of peering within, humanity soon realized that the essence of God lies inside of them. But what does this truly mean? And how is this significant to our very nature? Mankind indeed needed more answers.
After much reflection on this, experimentation began.

Mankind amongst many cultures, began to develop a wide range of techniques that could be used to access and cultivate this greater truth that lied within. That greater truth is the essence of God. Ironically, our great ancestors once lived and breathed this great truth and only lived according to it. However, over time, mankind developed an obsession with the physical realm. As a result, the knowledge and wisdom that mankind once knew was cast aside.

Some even used this knowledge for nefarious purposes. Eventually, many calamities were carried out on our planet. The kingdom of Mu and Atlantis were among the few. After each calamity, mankind had to reset itself again. However, what happened to the knowledge and wisdom that they once knew?

Indeed, much of the knowledge that they once knew were lost to the hands of time due to this, but not all. There were a few sources that preserved the knowledge of the greater truths of reality. One of them is the Divine Council of Light. We will explore more about them later. Thank God there were groups set in place by heaven to keep our knowledge and records preserved. 

However, after history repeated itself enough, these records would soon be sealed away for the protection of humanity. They can only be released when the time is appropriate. The knowledge and wisdom that the Divine Council presented before us revolves around the cultivation of the Divine God Spirit within and the Dissolution of Karma. Indeed, humanity has much karma to resolve. 

Cultivating the Essence of God Within

The great work is a path that is pursued by very few. It is a divine path that one takes on to achieve greatness in the realm of God. That greatness is known as spiritual ascension. Ascension is the transmutation of the human vessel into an angelic divine like state. To achieve this divine state of being, one must constantly fill themselves with the pure divine light energy of God.

This light is the very fabric of our reality. This light can be obtained in many ways. One way we can receive the light of god is from the rays of the Sun. The light energy we receive from the sun is directly connected to the light of god. This is why the sun has been known among the Ascended Masters as, “the heart of God.”

If the sun were to disappear, all life would die and cease to exist. Thus, with this greater understanding, there have been many cultures throughout history that developed a practice of giving gratitude for the sun daily. The Egyptians also knew the importance of working with the Sun, and thus achieved many benefits from their spiritual practices of channeling the sun. We already know the many benefits of the sun in relation to our planet, so it is obvious that we are people of the sun, which is the heart of God. The light of God is within us, so we must grow that divine flame into a greater more substantial capacity in order to achieve the next level of our evolution.

Another way of growing the light of God within is by developing a strong relationship with God, strengthening it each day. Channeling your inner presence through Meditation and Decrees is among the two most common ways. Meditation is a technique that is predominantly known throughout India, and many people believe they are the originators of the practice. However, this is a truth that continues to be debated, as much of our history has become lost to the hands of time. Meditation is a very effective technique for channeling your inner presence.

Although, there is much confusion that can come from it as well. It is important that the one that meditates do so on their inner God presence. Otherwise, they would simply receive various benefits from the spiritual energy that surrounds the earth. These benefits would help in terms of health, wellness, and achieving a balanced state of being. However, only the essence of God can truly evolve someone into a higher state of being. So, one must always find ways to incorporate God and the Kingdom of Heaven into their meditative practice.

“Watch the words that you speak. And empower those that you do speak with cosmic intent, and your plans may become reality sooner than you think.”

-Ascended Master Afra

Decrees is a technique that is widely considered to have been developed by the Western spiritual community. It is essentially a technique that was designed to bring the Kingdom of Heaven closer to you and the world around you. This method was created through the work of many spiritual masters, working closely together or far in between, with the Angels and the Kingdom of Heaven. They are much more powerful than any standard prayer. Prayers are requests or gratitude one wishes to make to God, but the primary difference is the nature of how it is executed. Although this method has its benefits, prayers come from a different nature of the spirit, usually from a state of submission.

Where as decrees comes from the will of God inside of you, directed outwardly towards the kingdom of heaven. They are much more like commands of encouragement, you see. As we are all children of God that have divine sovereignty, therefore, we were given the ability to call on the Divine Hierarchy using the will of God inside of us. However, the nature of how we speak towards the kingdom of heaven is important. We must have a high level of divine love and respect towards God and the kingdom of heaven when we make our decrees.

Otherwise, we would receive partial effects, if any effects, at all. Also, the nature of the request must be rooted in Divinity and for the benefit of Gods Great Divine Plan. You cannot use the Kingdom of Heaven to carry out selfish or wicked deeds, as the entirety of the Kingdom and its inhabitants are the embodiment of divine love. So typical request would be: Assisting in the great work, protection, healing, assistance in resolving karma, preserving peace, enlightenment, guidance, banishing evil, suppressing wickedness, development of heavenly traits, Integrating with Angels, and many more. These decrees can be for your benefit or the benefit of mankind. The development of this technique is a prime example of the infinite divine love God has for humanity. 

The Spiritual Masters

Throughout history, there have been many leaders in the spiritual community throughout all cultures. These spiritual leaders have many titles, such as Buddhist Monk, Shaman, Zen Master, Pastor, and Guru, to name a few. These individuals are essentially those who have dedicated much of their life to studying and practicing the spiritual path to enlightenment. Many of them created a temple or a place of practice to further their studies. Those who had modest ambitions would simply join a pre-existing place of practice.

This is also another aspect of the great work. Creating a community of spiritual practice and enlightenment compels the practitioner to an extraordinary rate towards the path to ascension. Why is this the case, many may ask? Essentially, the practitioner that decides to spread the wealth of spiritual knowledge is creating a new form of identity. He is embodying spirituality on a deeper level than if he simply practiced it.

To put it plainly, one who takes up the mantle to participate in God Devine plan is a new level of commitment. One that would gain him access to much more that the kingdom of heaven has to offer. Beloved ones, the doors to the kingdom of heaven, would open widely for someone who has genuine intentions that are rooted in divine love and the overall success of humanity. The eyes of God see and know all. Therefore, not only will the kingdom of heaven assist them in their mission, but they would also elevate him to a new level of being.

Each soul has their own path, own vibration, own ideas, and an inner ‘knowing’ of what to do. If they follow this intuition, they will be led and guided every step of the way of their lives to fulfill their destiny.

Ascended Master Lord Maitreya

God would make them strong so that one would be able to carry out such a Divine Plan. So practicing spirituality is the first step. The second step is to commit to being a part of gods divine plan for the well-being of humanity. These two things, when combined, would transform the practitioner in a way that would not be possible if he or she only remained a practitioner. Another way to look at it is, if you were to become an angel, what type of work do you think God would have you do? 

Undoubtedly, it would be something related to God’s divine plan in some shape or form. What the spiritual practitioner is essentially doing is taking up arms against evil and working to increase the spiritual growth of humanity before he enters into the kingdom of heaven. The impact he would make on the world is the highest level of honor one can achieve. However, this requires a new level of bravery in order to execute. This is why we have listed this as a second step the spiritual practitioner would take.

So, one who wants to take part would first need to work on resolving the many issues that lie within him or herself. Then, after an extended amount of time, he will essentially have developed the necessary components to take part in gods divine plan. Over time, during their spiritual journey, there will be a strong feeling the individual will receive that will be related to doing good in the world. The practitioner will start to get visions of the many things they could do for humanity. The visions will be rooted in furthering gods divine plan.

The person you perceive as hurting or betraying you often is your best friend in the world of spirit who came to help you get rid of that deep, deep emotional energy that has been trapped for many incarnations.

Ascended Master Lord Maitreya

Eventually, they will start to get the confidence and courage needed to gravitate to the next step. This is a feeling that will come from the kingdom of heaven that is within them. It is also good to note that simply working and assisting someone who is on a mission to further gods divine plan is also a great ordeal. The key is participating and being involved in God’s divine plan in some shape or form. This will 2x the practitioners spiritual journey, as the kingdom of heaven inside of them will be providing them with the necessary qualities needed to execute such a plan.

Some examples of what one can build or participate in is a local community or lodge, online community, social media community, website, online blog, publish books, email list, mailer list, a spiritual guidance app, and many more. Also, participating in Angel and Decree work for the benefit of all living beings is also a great way of expanding Gods divine plan. Whichever the student chooses will strengthen their bond with the Kingdom of Heaven. As a result, much of their spiritual work will be enhanced to a new level. This is a benefit that those on the fence about doing this kind of work should consider.

The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are essentially Spiritual Masters on an entirely new scale. The one key difference is that they are spiritual practitioners that have completed the great work while in embodiment and thus achieved ascension. These are Spiritual master that have successfully turned their bodies “from lead to gold,” hence the old alchemical saying. In this new form of existence, they are able to do many things that an ordinary human could not. 
Essentially, they have become pure divine energy, akin to that of an archangel.

This new form enables them to manipulate energy in various ways. They are able to instantly appear on any part of the earth and even take on any appearance that they choose. All life in the universe is made of pure energy, unless otherwise subject to a type of dark matter that certain wicked forces are a part of. Ascended Masters have the ability to move this pure divine energy and retain large amounts of that divine energy. It is also key to note that the great work does not end, even after one becomes an Ascended Master, thus achieving ascension.

Not only in your world of form is seed sown and a harvest reaped but also in that of every individualized intelligence in the great cosmos, including those of us of the ascended host who work with un-ascended mankind. For we are constantly engaged in the preparation of consciousness individually and en-masse to receive the seeds (divine ideas) which if accepted, allowed to take root and grow, being nourished by the rhythmic attention and gratitude of the receivers, will bring forth a mighty harvest of practical God-blessings manifesting in the daily lives of all.

Ascended Master El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom” , Vol. 1 No. 12

You see, there are many layers to the universe that all matter resides in. These layers are known as dimensions. It is widely believed that many Ascended Masters that have lived thousands of years ago operate on a much higher dimension than one that has achieved ascension a few hundred years ago. This us due to them having more time operating as an Ascended Master, continuously growing and evolving in their angelic state of being.

You see, the great work does not truly end. Even after ascension, the ascended masters are still at work growing and becoming an even greater form of an angelic being. As they continuously grow, eventually they would be enabled to work on higher dimensional planes, furthering Gods divine plan. Much like spiritual masters, Ascended Master also assists humanity in various ways. The key difference is that they now have the ability to work with disciples on a greater energetic level.

Those who come to the Ascended Masters for help will receive it as they are angels too now, you see. They are Angelic beings that are purely made of divine love. They hold only the greatest intentions when furthering Gods divine plan. One of the many things that Ascended Masters do is channel their own spiritual essence and share it with those who are sincere in furthering their spiritual development. As the spiritual practitioner call out to them via decrees, the spiritual master hears the call and responds to them appropriately.

The student who gives the call must be sincere, as Ascended Masters can see the students’ true intentions and can tell if they are genuine or not. They most likely will not lend a hand to someone who is merely curious or is simply doing something to entertain some arbitrary human quality. The energy that the ascended master gives has many effects. One of them is that it slowly expands the spirit of the spiritual practitioner. This allows the student to be able to store more spiritual essence than they normally would.

Over time, after a few years, this would enable the practitioner to be able to achieve ascension. Being able to contain large amounts of energy at any given time is one of the key elements to becoming a Ascended Master, as you are growing the level of density of your spirit. Another benefit Ascended Masters spiritual energy provides is healing. The energy that they provide has a certain divine frequency that when it is shared and felt, it consumes all that is less than perfection. Many people who live on earth have acquired various levels of Impurities. 

These Impurities interfere with their ability to function properly and live a happy life. As divine love and happiness is the core nature of all living spirits that is created by God. For what is life really worth if it is lived in such a miserable way? Those that contain Impurities typically exhibit many psychological disorders and health issues as well. Many of these Impurities come from casual sex and a history of abuse. 

The abuse that one receives remains stored inside of their consciousness as painful memories and imprints left on the human soul. Every human being on this planet have also lived many lifetimes of inner suffering. The suffering acquired from previous lifetimes were most likely not fully resolved, and thus carried over to subsequent lifetimes. Those who have the fortunate gift of receiving the Ascended Masters energy, will undoubtedly be filled with immense gratitude, as they began to heal from all of their Impurities after an extended amount of time. Energy work, guidance, protection, and insight are all attributes that the ascended masters provide to all of mankind, as long as they are sincere about receiving their blessings. 

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