The best way to explain divine love is to essentially look upwards into the kingdom of heaven and how Divinity is their way of being.

The Nature of God

When we look upwards into the kingdom of heaven, the confusion of life starts to dissolve, and a new understanding of reality starts to set in. We must peer into the very nature of how the divine kingdom works in order for us to gain a full understanding of how divine love works

Divine means, “of, from, or like God or a god.” When you place the word in front of Love, you get divine love, meaning Love of God or God’s love. What is also interesting is that God is a manifestation of pure, unconditional love. This is something that is not mentioned enough by mankind. We as humans see love as conditional. This is NOT the type of love that God is or has for us. We will expand on this more later.

So now we know that divine love is essentially God’s love that is given or shared through the essence of God. But what does this look like to humanity? How does this relate to us, and why is it important? Well, before we can fully explain this, let us peer deeper into the kingdom of heaven. By doing this, we can further examine its nature of how it relates to us and all life on our planet.

I AM” The Essence of The Kingdom of Heaven

The kingdom of heaven is composed of many elements related to divine love. One major aspect is how it is designed. The entire kingdom is composed of pure light particles that essentially make up our entire universe. These light particles are the very essence of God in every shape and form. 

If the kingdom of heaven, the entire universe, and every planet is made up of God particles, then that would mean that our entire reality is a manifestation of gods love, which is also Divine Love. God created our reality, and God is the very essence of divine love. All life and things originated from the mighty God head, including ourselves. Jesus once said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” If only mankind truly knew how significant those words really are.

“Everyone has the same supreme privilege of contact with the All-Powerful Presence of God, and It is the Only Power that ever did, does now, or ever will raise the personal self and its world above earthly discord and limitation.”
-Saint Germain-
Unveiled Mysteries, Pg. 14

The kingdom of heaven is within you, meaning you have unlimited access to the very essence of God, and the Great Angelic Host at any time. There is no better form of divine love than this. God instilled the kingdom of heaven within us all. Really take the time to grasp the deep meaning behind this. Each and every human that meditates or expresses their prayers to God, they are accessing the kingdom of heaven at will. God and the great angelic host then hears us and blesses us accordingly. I think we can all agree that this is truly divine love.

The Work of the Angels

Now that we have a firm understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven, let us now talk about the Angels and how significant they are to us all. Like God, the angels are also a manifestation of God’s love or divine love. The great Angelic Host is spread far and wide across the entire planet, and this universe, in service of all life in the cosmos. This is another way divine love is shown through actions. The angels can be called upon at any time when one needs them, using the Divine Flame of Love. 

“All Powers are within that Flame of Love from the Angelic Host, and Their Service is Love alone. If you wish to become like Them, you too must become the Flame and Service of Love alone that Love from the Central Sun that is All of All, ever expanding for Eternity.”
-Archangel Michael
Beloved Archangel Michael Speaks on The Angelic Host, Pg. 18

Requesting the assistance of angels can be done in the form of decrees. You can literally change the face of reality to a large degree by the cooperation of the Great Angelic Host. However, I must express to you that wickedness will not be tolerated. You can not use them for anything that would be considered evil or wicked. That is typical practices that are carried out by Occultist and black magic practitioners through the cooperation of demonic entities.

Angels do not carry out such tasks that would harm others on behalf of someone’s request. They are the manifestation of divine love and can only express divine love, which is their true nature. A few of the most common and very significant tasks that the angels carry out are healing, protection, guidance, blessings, and assistance in one’s spiritual ascension training.

The Ascended Masters

Now let us talk about the Ascended Masters. Ascended Masters are human beings that have achieved ascension through their spiritual training. Ascension is an angelic state achieved through the alchemical transmutation of the human vessel. This is the true meaning of the alchemical phrase, “turning lead into gold.” You are essentially turning yourself from lead to gold on a deep alchemical level to ascend and become an angel.

Now, this is where another aspect of divine love takes place. In order to achieve this, you have to constantly integrate yourself into God’s love or divine love. This is done through meditation, decrees, and angel work. Meditation is the integration of Divinity, decrees is the invocation of the kingdom of heaven, and angel work is the invocation of angels for assisting in the great work and divine worldly deeds. The great work is the integration and expression of divine love within yourself and throughout humanity.

Being a practitioner of the great work for an extended amount of time will eventually lead to a state known as ascension. So to put things simply, Gods love and Divine Love has the power to literally change you into a divine angels being. Most believe that when they pass on through death they will essentially become angels. This is not necessarily true, due to the laws of Karma. The kingdom of heaven is a place of divine love and is entirely structured that way. 

Only divine love can be allowed in. Typically, if one has not gone though enough (or any) spiritual work, they are still carrying much Karma that has not been resolved. This is how the kingdom of heaven trains us to be angels. We have to grow the flame of God inside us through our spiritual practice and the way we interact with others. 

Divine Love in Relationships

As we established earlier, divine love is God’s love. That means love that is rooted in God’s presence. But how do we create divine love in our relationships with others? To answer this question, we must first ask ourselves, what is the one common trait that is displayed when we look upwards into the Kingdom of Heaven, God, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters? When we take a moment to reflect, we can see that the one common trait they all share is charity and being in service of all life throughout the world.

Another trait is the unconditional love and acceptance of all life in the universe. No matter how many times we stumble, they do not abandon us or leave us astray. The moment we look upwards and call on their name, they are there to help us. Society has drifted away from these kinds of acts greatly. In a generation where the glorification of the ego has run rampant, mankind has left little room for God in their life.

You must understand, that true happiness cannot be achieved through the absence of God. We are of God, and carry the kingdom of Heaven inside of us all. Do you not see how silly it is to separate oneself from the very thing that we are made of? The simple answer to achieving divine love is through the constant integration of God in one’s life. It would be impossible to express divine love without God.

“So when there is a lack of anything in your world, stop a moment and realize, it is the lack of this Flame of Love that produces a condition that distresses you. As you call this Flame into action to take its place, command that Fame of Our Immortal Love to become for you the things that you require to go forward happily and fulfill the Great Divine Plan the Ascended Masters’ Way.
-Archangel Michael
Beloved Archangel Michael Speaks on The Angelic Host, Pg. 19

But the moment you bring God, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters into your life, suddenly it all makes sense. We have to simply be like them in our everyday life. This is no different from a child growing up having a hero or a role model that inspires the development of their personality. The only difference is, God is our role model. We want to be more like God, and the many Angel’s that serve God.

Giving money or food to someone that is homeless. Giving advice to someone who has become lost. Praying and decreeing for the well-being of others. Lending a helpful hand, when someone is in need of help. Assisting God in a way that would help awaken mankind to their true nature. Spreading the teachings of the great work. Through these wonderful, beautiful, kind acts, we can learn to understand what unconditional divine love truly is.

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