That Which Lies Within

Throughout the ages, mankind has searched for the meaning of life and, as a result, continuously evolved. In many categories, we have made great progress towards the creation of a better and easier life. However, despite all of our efforts, most still find it difficult to be happy and fully satisfied with life. We look outwardly towards things and other people with hopes that it will fill us with the happiness that we seek. Everything that we do and don’t do is due to our desire for happiness or for the avoidance of pain.

 So if we can not find happiness outside of us, where can it be found? Mankind has forgotten the light that lies deep within. The presence that keeps us eternally sustained, in love and happiness. This presence has been within us this entire time. At one point, we all knew how important this light within us was and lived according to it.

But we became too obsessed with things and man-made creations, and started to feel it was not important. The one thing that keeps us sustained in all the things that we work so hard to achieve, we turned our backs on. Now, do you see? The key to happiness lies within you. There, resides the presence of God, waiting for your return.

God loves you dearly, and he gives you the free will to discover life on your own terms. However, each time you are in pain and suffering from all the things that this world can bring into your life and your world, he reaches out to you. As God reaches out, many on earth cease to see and hear him. Rather, it is a voice from someone else, a message, or an angel that has come down from the heavens itself disguised as a human to give you advice. Or when you are addicted to something that is harmful for you, there will be at times a mysterious force that can only be God, that will come into your life to protect you.

Any situation that you find yourself in, is an outward
reflection of your inner state of beingness.

– El Morya

God, at times, will intervene to help steer you away from over indulgence. Then mankind will fight and struggle against the presence of God that is working to save and protect them. If mankind only knew how much God and the angels love us and work overtime to protect us all. Doing all they can to steer us in the right direction and lead us back to his side. Although many of us are adults, there is a childlike aspect to us that we at times exhibit.

Indeed, we are children of God and act with the mentality of a child. As you read this, these words may seem harsh, but it is true for the bulk of humanity. We must wake up and move towards the will of God that lies within us. By doing this, many of the issues that we face can be resolved in a reasonable amount of time. Within just 1 to 2 years of time, there is no issue that you will not be able to resolve and overcome. The presence of God works on a deep and energetic level, and nothing in this world can interfere with its purifying powers. We shall dive deeper into this later.

Integrating God Eternally

As we have mentioned earlier, deep inside of all life on this planet is the essence of God. All life is made up of tiny light particles condensed together that originally came from God. Our bodies are made up of physical flesh, and this flesh is what makes up our bodies. Our body is what is known as a vessel, which is something that carries something, much like a ship.

Since our body is our vessel, what does our vessel contain? Our body, which is our vessel, contains our spirit. What is our spirit? Our spirit is both our true self and the essence of God combined as one. Together, they make up the entirety of our being. We are the essence of God, and the essence of God is us.

We can not and would not exist without the essence of God. It is literally what we are truly made of. Our vessel simply contains our spirit and is a vehicle for us to move, interact, and experience life in. This is why when we pass on from this world, our spirit leaves our vessel and rises to the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Guardian Angel is what helps facilitate our passing.

Then, the process of the afterlife begins. At which point God will decide what he will do with us. If we have lived a life that is close to him and resolved all of our Karma, he may allow you into the Kingdom of Heaven to assist with God’s Great Divine Plan. If you have spent the entirety of your life running away from God, indulging in various activities that ultimately separate you further from inner God self and the Angels, he may send you back. You would be reincarnated into a new flesh body and will live life all over again, until your spirit has matured enough, and your Karma has been resolved.

Let go of all old programming –
everything that has been put there by others over the years and by your past lives, and replace it with new thought, thought that comes from the Higher Self.
– Lord Maitreya

Please understand beloved ones – the Kingdom of Heaven is a Holy Land. Although we are children of God, many of us have strayed too far away from God. Do not expect God to simply let one into the Kingdom of Heaven when one continuously fights and defies his presence. Mankind’s ultimate destiny is to Ascend and become an Angel. An Angel is a servant of God and is made completely of divine energy, love, and peace.

They are completely devoid of any negatively that would bound them to anything that is less than perfection. They have fully embodied the essence of God. Can you imagine an Angel filled with worldly desires and sinful habits? That would not work, and the kingdom of heaven would surely have issues if this were the case. So essentially, one who resolves the many issues that lie within them is an important step to becoming an Divine Angel.

One would be truly a Divine Angel, completely devoid of any kind of insecurities, psychological issues, sin, wickedness, and Karma. When such words are spoken, it must feel like one is looking up a mountain of work. The journey to reaching the top of this mountain must seam perilous. Listen, beloved ones. The glory to being completely devoid of any issues is closer than you think.

The biggest challenge you will face is restraint from the many habits and behaviors that exist within you. True peace can be obtained from within. All you have to do is continuously fan the flames of God that burns so brightly within the depths of your own being. The essence of God is a force like no other. It is able to consume and purify all negativity that lies within one’s aura.

However, when one has not given any attention to the essence of God that lies deep within them, it is pushed so far back into ones inner being, it can seem as if it is not even there. But it is still there, flickering like a candle, waiting for your return. 

“Attention is the key; for where man’s attention goes, there goes his energy, and he himself can only follow.”

– Saint Germain

Have you ever noticed how one can have a nasty attitude one minute and do mean things, but still be capable of acts of kindness and giving Divine Love from their heart? Who is the part of them that exhibits Divine Love and kindness? Who is the one that gives to the homeless? Who is the one that protects someone when they are in trouble? Who is the one that calls 911 when someone is hurt or in need of help? That is the essence of God that burns inside of you that raises to the forefront of your inner being.

This presence is within every single person on the planet. Now, we must go deeper; we must go deep and explore the essence of God and how we can grow these flames of divine love from within us. As we do this, we in time, will reach the glorious state of existence that God wants for us all. Free of pain, suffering, and emotional turmoil from our inner being. Once the inner being is cleared, there will be no need for any more experiences that limit our existence in life and beyond.

The Essence of Meditation

Meditation, a technique that is thought to have originated from Eastern cultures, is a great technique for building God’s presence from within. It is essentially one of the most well-known techniques that spiritual practitioners from all over the world use. There have also been various historical findings that reveal that Jesus traveled to India and learned from Eastern teachings as well. They would later hide this fact due to religious Dogma. Many of the gnostic techniques are a combination of both Eastern and Western spiritualism. The idea of taking traditional Christianity or Gnosticism and integrating Eastern teachings into it to create its own unique system is a brilliant endeavor.

These types of things are almost nonexistent today, due to many spiritual communities having biased beliefs. Many spiritual practitioners of the 20th century would not be open to try or experience spirituality of another culture, as they have their own preconceived notions towards the spiritual values of other cultures. Thus, it becomes feelings of genuine disregard towards new ways to implement spirituality, even if there is overwhelming evidence presented to the practitioner of the many benefits of the techniques. So, one has to ask themselves, “Are they practicing spiritualism as a means of temporary repenting or self gratification?” Or are they doing so in an attempt to genuinely become closer to God and the Kingdom of Heaven ?

And when I say genuine, I mean in an attempt to get better, to improve oneself and rid oneself of the many issues that plague them. Although repenting has its benefits, it is simply not enough. We must also improve. We must leave behind the many habits that plague our spirit and cause us great adversity. We have to purge this vessel until the only thing that remains is the light of God. Meditation is a great technique for doing this.

“Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan” .

– Saint Germain

However, I must stress one important fact that all spiritual practitioners should know. Meditation without the integration of God and the angels is not as efficient. You must integrate the kingdom of heaven into your meditative practice. If you were to separate the two, the most you would get is subpar results. You would essentially be purging yourself of many issues that lie within your consciousness. However, without the integration of God, you would not be growing the Kingdom of Heaven inside of you. Only Through this integration process can the Kingdom of Heaven inside of you act as a sort of seal.

This seal is what keeps you protected from many issues from arising from within your consciousness once again. Listen, beloved ones, all of mankind still has to live on this planet and deal with many things that we only have so much control over. Life has a way of challenging you, and so do the people all around you. Many events will continue to take place in your life that will require great strength from within. 

The Kingdom of Heaven that you grow inside of you is that great strength. It keeps you eternally sustained above all issues that the world will bring to you on your journey throughout life up until ascension. You must open your mind and heart to the light of God, and constantly re-integrate it inside of you when you do these meditations. As you do this, the flame of God will continuously grow, and eventually, anything that comes your way will instantly be consumed by the flames of God that burns from within you. Many people ask, how long do I have to do these spiritual techniques?

Let me make this clear, you will always have to do these techniques. The moment you stop doing this after all of your issues are seemingly gone for good, after 6 months to a year or so, the many issues you worked so hard to get rid of will return. You cannot turn your back on the light of God, thinking everything will be fine, never wanting to return. This is a mistake that many civilizations throughout history have made. The kingdom of MU, Atlantis, and Egypt are to name a few. 

They all thought they could turn their backs on the light of God, and look what happened to them. Entire advanced civilizations wiped out and led to ruin. Even now, most of humanity all across the earth, especially in America, is in a state of nihilism. Look all around you, do you not see? Beloved ones, please know and understand this great truth. Inner suffering comes from the lack of maintaining a healthy relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven in one’s life.

If you were to open a book to these teachings, most would run the other way like the plague. However, they suffer oh so very much and can not even stand to be in a room alone. Many of their consciousness is clouded with memories of past mistakes, abuse, betrayal, insecurities, and much more. If only they knew the truth, that the one thing that they flee from is the answer to healing them of all their pain and Impurities. For those who have just started this journey, you have taken one of the greatest steps you could have ever taken in your entire life. 

Angel Work & The Divine Hierarchy

Like meditation, angel work is also a phenomenal method for growing one’s spiritual density. Angels, servants of the most high God, have been in the lives of humanity more than most realize. Typically, when one think of angels, there is a small belief that they exist due to their association with the Mighty God head. As long as they believe in God, surely Angels must exist.

However, many do not realize they are around us at all times. Every single person on this planet has a Guardian Angel that watches over them. They also keep a record of all the events in our current life cycle and all previous life cycles. These records are then stored in something called the Akashic Records. Many throughout history have desired to access these records out of mere curiosity.

However, they are strictly used for the purpose of furthering Gods Divine Plan. The Angels that are servants of God are beings made up of pure divine energy and love. Thus, they are also here to assist us as well, in accordance to furthering Gods Divine Plan. So one has to ask themselves, what are the benefits of working closer with the Angels? Angel work is all about building relationships with the Angels to receive the many benefits that they offer.

So you would do this in a similar manner that one would do when praying to the Mighty God Head. In Christianity, many Christians pray to Lord Jesus Christ, as he is considered the son of God. Jesus is an Angel as well, so praying to Jesus can also be considered Angel work. There are many more Angels you can work with. Even in various occult organizations, such as the Golden Dawn, have a spiritual practice that involves working closer with ones Holy Guardian Angel.

Archangel Michael is another Angel that has historically been around long before the ascension of Lord Jesus Christ. Archangel Michael is an excellent Angel to work with. Not only can he charge your spirit with the Blue Lightning ray, but he also can protect you when you call on his name. Jesus also can protect you as well, especially if you are being attacked by a spiritual entity. In some cultures, this is called “sleep paralysis” or “devil riding ones back”. When you call on their name, you are opening the channel to their spiritual frequency to receive their blessings and protection.

I will be with each of you until all of you return Home; “You must constantly remember in your consciousness your decision to come back to God and to raise your consciousness to the level of comprehension of the Higher worlds. You should always remember that you are not alone. We vigilantly watch everybody who dares to climb the cliff of the Divine consciousness, and in the last resort we will always give you a hand in a crucial situation. If your motives are pure, you have nothing to be scared of. The purity of your aspirations shrouds you in an invulnerable defense of the Light.”

Sanat Kumara 

Much like adjusting the frequency on the radio to tune into a specific station. You have direct access to them at any time. Now, it is important to note that one must be sincere when working with the Angels. There must not be any resistance within you. The Angels understand if it is your first time and whether or not you are a beginner. 

They are very forgiving and do not hold anything against us. All living beings have access to them as long as they have not given up their divine right as one of God’s children. Believe it or not, one can actually do this through various occult practices. There have been many wealthy people and celebrities that have bounded themselves to nefarious demonic forces. For those who have done such a thing, my advice for you is to seek out an exorcist and ask them for a deliverance ritual to help you to relinquish the pact you have made with these dark entities.

Typically, what a well skilled exorcist will do is draw up a creed for you that has you pledging allegiance to the Almighty God. This will allow the angels to return to you to be freed from the wickedness that plagues your life. There have been numerous miraculous stories of those involved in witchcraft, plagued by demonic forces, that have done this to free themselves. Outside of this, for one that wants to further themselves spiritually, I recommend you work with beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Violet Ray. I also recommend working with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. There are resources and decrees on here that you can utilize to do just that. 

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