Below is a story we shared to you from The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin

The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin
The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin -pg 78
The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin -pg 79
The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin -pg 80
The Tao Of Daily Life, by Derek Lin -pg 81

Unfortunately, For many of us, forgiveness can be quite difficult. Especially when we feel that we have been betrayed by our love ones…

However, I must admit that the concept of losing our own humanity, or rather our happiness through holding grudges is quite interesting. 
We are essentially forfeiting our own sense freedom willingly.

We allow ourselves to become destroyed on the inside, over something that is insignificant, to the very essence of our overall being. 

We are much bigger than the problems or issues that we inhabit. After all, the physical, which is the world that we currently live in, only pales in comparison to what is really going on. 

Energy…. condensed energy, is what creates all of the things around us. 

And guess what? We are made up of this energy entirely.

Now ask yourself this…

Does something as pure, and divine, as energy have a reason to care and hold grudges? 

Energy does not care about such things, it simply exist.

We must constantly remind ourselves that most people are living from within their minds. They are not in tune with their natural self. As a result, human beings have become a bit more self centered and is not aware of what they are doing.

So if someone does something that you find offensive, ask yourself this…

“Why does this person disrupt my joy and well being?” 

It is important to explore the depths of your inner workings to discover why you feel this way. By doing this, you give meaning to the experience. 
Accepting responsibility for how we feel allows us to grow and weed out our insecurities.

Now please do not mistake this for accepting rude behavior. No one likes to be treated like a door mat. You always have the power to walk away from a relationship that is unfair and overall toxic. 

If you can, try and communicate to them that you do not appreciate their behavior. Most of the time, people genuinely are not aware of their rude behavior.

If someone does not respect, or appreciate you enough to recognize that their behavior is crossing the line, then it’s time to walk away gracefully
The important thing is to not let it affect you to where you are now holding grudges. 

Like the sage I’m the story above said, to hold a grudge is to have an inflated sense of self importance..

Always remember this:

We are all the same spiritual beings inhabiting a vessel..

We are not perfect..

We are all prone to mistakes..

Free yourself of your grudges.

Forgive those that you feel has wronged you, if not in person, within yourself.

By forgiving them, you forgive yourself…ultimately relinquishing you from a past event that held power over your well being.

“Having trouble moving forward and relinquishing your life? Try this meditation exercise”

The Following meditation/visualization exercises is shared from the renowned book, The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -By Gerald Epstein, M.D

Instructions for Imaging Exercise:

The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -Page 12
The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -Page 13
The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -Page 14

Meditation Exercise:

Breaking With The Past

The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -Page 60
The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery -Page 61

Walk peacefully with love,

I wish you all the best

– Virlyn Davis

Writer, Personal Development Educator, & Founder of Renown Wisdom

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