“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
― Lao Tzu

The path of self enlightenment may appear difficult; However, you will find that each step further relinquishes your soul. Rid yourself of the false voices inside your mind, and step into the river of true wisdom.

The Mighty Godhead Speaks Through Our Ascended Masters.

Its Truth, is Undeniable.

“When you go into action in your groups, making tremendous calls for the Light Rays to expand and to remove those causes of distress, you render a service that you will never fully comprehend until you are ascended. That is why the cities where sanctuaries of Light are established are more pure by far than those that are not so blessed.”
Beloved Sanat Kumara- From ‘Dictations’ – Bridge to Freedom Publication
“At this point, let Me assure you first, that the Most Magnificent Activity We have ever seen on the face of This Earth, has been thru these Mighty Decrees. . . . . . . You make the calls, We will do the rest!”
The Beloved Great Divine Director

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If you are experiencing depression or anxiety, please feel free to contact us. We will offer you guidance & solutions anyway that we can. Walk in Peace 🙂